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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tercia racio est quare quinquagesima est instituta propter representacionem.

The thryde cause by myn entent
whi quinquagesme ordeynet was
as wel was forto represent
thyng done byfore as tyme of grace.
for as I sayd right now byfore,
bonde-men in the fyfty ȝer
wer made fre, as was vset ȝore,
And that tyme put out of daunger.
Also in the fyfty day
after the lombe sacret was,
the lawe to Moyses, leue ȝe may,
was ȝiuen thenne thurght Goddes grace.
But more expresse this story
of the lombes offering
the thryde book rede he, rede I,
And ther shal he fynde thys thyng,


Wo-ser wol fynde fullily
hys purpos to gode ligkyng,
[loke wele & certaynly

due linee absunt.

And in þat boke he shal fynde þat þynge.]
Al-so the fyfty day i-wys
from Cristes resurection,
the Holy Gost from heuen blysse
to erthe for mon was sent doun,
Therfore thys noumbur of fyfty
blesset dedes may represent,
As I bifore con specify
And thaght ow her be myn entent.