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A mastif whelp with other ruff-Island-lik Currs fetcht from amongst the Antipedes

Which bite and barke at the fantasticall humorists and abusers of the time [by William Goddard]

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Satire 25.

Satire 25.

[Welthus, none of your daughters that I sawe]

Welthus , none of your daughters that I sawe,
But halfe did tempt mee be your sonne in lawe:
And iuste but halfe: For euer I did see,
In eech of them, somwhat to alter mee.
Kates Virtues my affection much did moue.
But streight hir crookednesse did quench that loue.
Black Sues great portion made mee wish hir well,
But thinking on hir pride my loue straight fell.
Besse for his bewtie I could much affect,
But Besse wantes witt, that made mee Besse reiect,
With Doll for hir housseffrie I could hould,
But blame not smale men, much to feare a scould.
Ellen for hir silence I could loue: but
Although I hate a scould, I loath a slutt.

Were Nan noe wanton, shee'd my humor sitt,
But Nan has wantonnes vnto hir witt,
Yet Wealthus giue me Nan, for doe you heare?
With wantonnes (as most men dus) J'le beare.