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Edward Aþe[l]ston

Þe ȝer þerafter þe deneys wende fram leycestre to norhamtone
Toward oxenford vaste & at hogenortone
Slowe moche volc ynou & in þe contreye aboute
Atte laste þe contreye folc com mid gret route
& driue hom al to noȝte & hor preye nom
Suþþe in þe endlefte ȝer of þe kinedom


Þe deneys come & robbede norþ walis vaste
So þat to yrchenefeld hii come atte laste
Out of þe castel of hereford þat folc uaste þo com
& of þe contreye al aboute & batayle wiþ hom nom
& slowe of hom þe hexte duc & oþer men monyon
Hii þat miȝte ofscapie aliue of londe flowe echon
Alfled quene of þe march strong wommon was & quoynte
In batayle & yholde as king In eche poynte
Al walis ȝo ouercom & þe march þer to
Stafford ȝo wan & leycestre & warewik al so
& bruges & euerwik & þe contreye al so
Of euerwik to hire com hire wille vorto do
At tamewurþe heo deyde suþþe & ybured heo was ywis
In seinte petres porche at gloucestre as þe abbey ȝut is


Þe kinedom þo of þe march king edward to him nom
As in þe sixe & tuentiþe ȝere of is owe kinedom
King edward adde þre sones þe eldost aþelston
& edmund & eldred þat kinges were echon
& suþþe he deyde at farendone as god ȝef þat cas
& in þe munstre at winchestre bi is fader ybured was
Aþelston was þo king þat was edwardes sone
& þoru þe heymen of þe lond ycrouned at kingestone
In þe nyen hundred ȝer & four & tuenty of grace ycrouned he was
& bote aboute vourtene ȝer king þer after he nas
Holi chirche he louede wel & rerde manyon
Þe verste ȝer of is kinedom ybore was seint dunston


Nywe abbeys he made vaste þe gode aþelston
& þer nas of olde house in þe londe non
Þat he ne amendede wiþ som lond oþer mid buldinge
Oþer mid boc oþer riche cloþ oþer som oþer riche þinge
Norþhomberlond he wan & walis & scotlond
& þe kinges & hor lond heold al in is hond