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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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[Rapt by my better Genius, beyond]


Rapt by my better Genius, beyond
The power of Earth; I sitt,
And see all humaine follye in its kind.
Not what wee fancie witt,
But has its blemish there; or Arrogance,
Or selfe-opinion,
Or Impudence, or Flatterie, or Chance,
Or blind Affection,
Support the maine. These set away,
What common Things wee doe or Say.


Poor crauling Emmetts! in what busie toyle
Wee slip away our Time?
Our glorious Daylight and our midnight oyle
Spent to enlarge our Crime.
What a prodigious Spectacle I veiwe!
When I from hence looke downe
Vpon the Common Earth, which once I knew,
And made my proper owne!
With as much Zeale, as were my Fate
Chained to the whirle of her Estate.


Now got above the mist of flesh and blood,
I am inform'd aright,


In all the Misterie of Bad and Good:
A never-fadeing Light
Surrounds me, that to Iudge I cannot erre.
What have I rashly said?
Arrogant foole! my Taper went out here,
And left me halfe-dismaied,
To thinke how it a Tipe might be
Of the great Light put out in Mee.