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A Preparatiue Court held the 29 Ianua:
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A Preparatiue Court held the 29 Ianua:

the right honoble:

Earle of Southampton.  Sr Edwin Sandys. 
Lo: Cauendish.  Sr Iohn Dauers. 
Lo: Pagett.  Sr ffran: Wyate. 
Sr Edward Sackuill.  Sr Walter Earle. 
mr Deputy fferrar.  mr Zouch.  mr Bearblock. 
mr Gibbℯ.  mr Tucker.  mr Casewell. 
mr Wroth.  mr Tomlinℯ.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Earle.  mr Smyth.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Geo: Sandys.  mr Nicho: fferrar.  mr Combe. 
mr Doctor Anthony.  mr Ditchfeild.  mr Baynham. 
mr Sheppard.  mr Seaward.  mr Wyddowes. 
mr Bromefeild.  mr Wheately.  mr Sparrowe. 
mr Newporte. 
mr Kightley. 
wth divers others. 

My lo: of Southampton signified vnto this Court that for so much as the
time of Sr George Yeardleys Com̃ission of Gouernorshipp would ere
longe be expired, beinge to continue but till November next: It was
therfore expedient nowe at this Quarter Court (in respect of the
shortnes of the time) either to confirme Sr Geo: Yeardly againe in
his said [181] office by a newe elecc̃on: or to proceed to the choice of
some other fitt person of qualitie to succeed him, who might be pre-
pared to goe to Virginia by Iuly next at the farthest wch later Course
his Lop did the rather encline vnto, because he had receaved adver-
tisement of Sr George Yeardly importuninge desire to relinquish his


said office at the expirac̃on of his said Comission, in reguard he had
soe longe a time togeather (nowe allmost three yeares) attended
wholly vpon the publique service.
My lo: of South-
ampton moved
either to confirme
Sr Geo: Yeardley
in his former place
or to chuse another
in his steed.

His Lop: therfore proposed vnto the Company a gentleman recom-
ended vnto him for his many good partℯ (namely Sr ffrancis Wyatt)
who was well reputed of, both in respect of his parentage, good edu-
cation, integritie of life and faire fortunes (being his ffathers eldest
Sonne) as also for his sufficiency otherwise, being deemed every way
wthout exception fittinge for this place who was likewise desirous to
take this charge vpon him if the Company would please to accept of
his willingnes to doe them service, Notwthstanding his Lop: praied
the Company not to neglect the nominac̃on of some other if they
could thinke of any one or more sufficient persons of quality that
would willingly vndergoe this waightie burden of gouerment: who
might togeather with this gentleman aforenamed stand for the elec-
c̃on of §at§ the next Quarter Courte.

Sr ffra: Wyate com-
ended by his Lop
for the place of

Sr Iohn Dauers moved that accordinge to a former order of Courte
and intimac̃on by the Counsells letters vnto the Gouernor of a Patent
intended to be granted to Sr Wm: Mounson and his Associatℯ, of two
Comodities not yet discouered or planted by any other in Virginia:
for somuch as a draft of the said Patent was nowe made, he desired
a Com̃ittee might be appointed to examine the same, and so put to
engrossinge to passe at this next Quarter Court wherevpon the
Court nominated a Comittee for that purpose vizt mr Wroth, mr Gibbℯ
mr Deputy mr Kightly & mr Bearblock:

A Comittee to ex-
amine ye draft of
Sr Willm Mounson

Mr George Sandys havinge moved that he might passe ouer two
Shares of land vnto Sr ffrancis Wyneman wch were formerly assigned
vnto him by mr Thomas Sandys, the Court was pleased to grant his

mr George Sandys
.2. shares to Sr
ffrances Weyn-

Sr Edwin Sandys signified that Sr Richard Bulkly of Beamorris in
the County of Anglesy, desired to be a member of this Company, for
wch having payde in his 25li: praide he might haue his bills of Adven-
ture vnder the Companies Seale wch the Court ordered should be
granted vnto him. [182]

Sr Rich: Bulkley
made a member of
ye Comp̃:


A motion beinge made that mr Woodall, might be warned in at this
Quarter Court to answeare such scandalous speaches as he had for-
merly diuulged, in disgrace of the booke authorized by his Mats Coun-
sell for Virginia as like wise touchinge Sr Edwin Sandys according
to a former order of Court, made the 18th of Iuly last.

mr Woodall to be

Mr Caswell signified vnto his Lop: (as mr Smith had formerly donne
to the like effect), that it was the humble suite of the Company that
it would please his Lop to acquaint them how farre they had p̳ceeded
in drawing vp the newe Patent wch was intended to be confirmed by
Acte of Parliament the proceeding and good Successe whereof, would
exceedingly animate and encourage all the adventurors, if they might
be released of these late grantℯ, and from all Monopolies hereafter
of the like nature. whereof his Lop promised they would have a
speciall care, and happily be able at the next Court to giue them some