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Summer Quarter 1926

Philosophy sB1-I: Deductive Logic. First Term. 1 session-hour.
Associate Professor Pott and Assistants.


Page 192

Philosophy sB1-II: Inductive Logic. First Term. 1 session-hour.
Associate Professor Pott and Assistants.

Philosophy sB1-III: Logic. First Term. 1 session-hour. Associate
Professor Pott and Assistants.

Philosophy sB2-I: The Ethics of Sensibility. Second Term. 1 session-hour.
Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy sB2-II: The Ethics of Reasoning. Second Term. 1 session-hour.
Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy sB2-III: The Ethics of Personality. Second Term. 1
session-hour. Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy sB6-I: History and Philosophy of Education. (See Education
sB1-I) First Term.

Philosophy sB6-II: History and Philosophy of Education. (See
Education sB1-II) Second Term.

Philosophy sB6-III: History and Philosophy of Education. (See
Education sB1-III) Second Term.

Psychology sB1-I: General Psychology. First Term. 1 session-hour.
Professor Geissler.

Psychology sB1-II: General Psychology. First Term. 1 session-hour.
Professor Geissler.

Psychology sB1-III: General Psychology. First Term. 1 session-hour.
Professor Geissler.