| The Complete Poetical Works of Shelley including materials never before printed in any edition of the poems |  |
Weak Verses, go, kneel at your Sovereign's feet,
And say:—‘We are the masters of thy slave;
What wouldest thou with us and ours and thine?”
Then call your sisters from Oblivion's cave,
All singing loud: ‘Love's very pain is sweet,
But its reward is in the world divine
Which, if not here, it builds beyond the grave.’
So shall ye live when I am there. Then haste
Over the hearts of men, until ye meet
Marina, Vanna, Primus, and the rest,
And bid them love each other and be blessed:
And leave the troop which errs, and which reproves,
And come and be my guest,—for I am Love's.
 | The Complete Poetical Works of Shelley including materials never before printed in any edition of the poems |  |