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O GOD! our England save.
God! who o'er land and wave
Didst lead our sires—
Lead us, through glorious deeds,
Wherever Truth proceeds,
And crown each day with meeds
Of high desires.
O God! who rulést right—
O God! whose word is might—
That word fulfil:
Teach us to do and dare,
Make England's life a prayer,
Her hope a zealous care
To work thy will.


Let our Republic stand
Ever at Fame's right hand,
Stalwart and free:
Give us heroic health:
So we, despising stealth,
May make our Commonwealth
Worthy of thee.
O Truth! our England bless:
So we through every stress
Shall proudly march:
Gird thou our sheathless sword;
Speak thou our charging word;
Welcome the battle's lord
Under thy arch.
Honour! be thou our guide:
Lead thou our holy pride
Over the earth:
Till all the nations be,
Even as England, free;
Till the last tyrant flee
Before our worth.