University of Virginia Library



O happy bird! thy gay return I hail;
For now I see young Spring, with all her train
Of sports and joys, borne on the western gale,
And hear afar her sweetly warbling strain.
Once more the opening clouds shall now disclose
The heaven's blue vault—the sun's all-cheering ray:
The vales, once more, in tender green repose,
The violet wake beneath the breath of May.
O happy bird! how playful and how light
Thy circling pinions skim the upward air;
Exulting, gay and playful in thy flight,
Companion of the Summer season fair!


Yet, while I welcome thee, and wish thee long,
I sigh to think that ere the Autumn fade,
Thou'lt seek, in other climes, a vernal song,
More gentle gales and renovated shade.
Ev'n now I see thee on the light clouds soar,
And melt in distant æther from my view;
As laughing Summer, to the western shore,
Over the seas Biscayan you pursue.
Thy policy to us, ah! dost thou lend?
Flies thus, with gay prosperity—the friend?