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The .cxij. Psalme.

The .cxij. Psalme.

The man is blessed that doeth feare the Lorde and doeth delyght:
In hys holy commaundementes, to walke therin vpright.
For his sede shall be founde myghtie, in the earth euerie where
And the nation of the good, shall luckyly prospere.
Greate plentie of goodes and riches shall in his house remayue:
And his iustice shall continue for euer more certayne.
Lyght doeth arise vnto good men, when they syt in darcknes.
To the bountuouse, & mercifull, that folowe ryghtuousenes.
The good man heapeth benifites, and lendeth plentuousely.

And doeth all hys owne busines, excedynge equally.
For he shall neuer be moued, tyll tyme of tymes be paste:
And for euer hys rightuousnes, & hys iustice shall laste.
And when he heareth heauy newes, feare shall hym nothynge prycke:
Because his herte is stablished, and doeth to the Lorde stycke.
His herte, I saye, is stablished, so that he can not feare:
Tyll vpon all hys enimies, hys wyshes do appeare.
He geueth to the pore ech where, his iustice shall byde aye:
His powre shal be set vp on hyghe with great glorie I saye.
That seynge thys the wycked may, be wrath and gnashe his teethe:
And eke consume hym selfe and get nought that he desyrethe.