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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Qualiter annus iubeleus primo fuerat introductus. Petrus in Historiis Scolasticis.

Now er that I fur go
I wyl tel what ys iubile,
as Ierom and Petre both two
witnessen, as rede we.
when Abraham, as I sayd bifore,
hade slayne faur kenges graciousely
And deliueret las and more
Loth and al hys company,
By-cause of that deliueraunce
Iubile toke a bygynyng,
whein Habraham felle that happy chaunce
his brother out of bale to bryng.

Iobel enim dicatur remissio vel inicium.

Iubile is as miche to say
as remissioun or bygynnyng,
for grete remission felle that day
as Lothes so aȝayn comyng.

Alia causa quare annus iubileus fuerat introductus.

And als Loth that taken was
and broght aȝayn in this maner
was thenne, as boke mynde mas,
of elde fully fyfte ȝer.

Alia causa.

Or elles one cause wel migh be
for fyfty ȝer ful passes wer
after that God spake, leue ȝe me,
whit Habraham hys derlyng der,
And bad hym go out of hys contre
to a lond he couth hy[m] lere,
in whiche reches he had gret plente,
and also childer both in fer.


Vnde habetur Genesis xijo: Egredere de terra tua, & de cognacione tua, & veni in terram, quam monstrabo tibi.

And other cause assingnes is
Whi thay worschypet iubile,
By-cause Abraham couthe wys
of sterres cource grete sotilte,
And by-cause that he segh this,
that elamentes so distempre
in fyfty ȝer nothyng amys
to esy cource schuld turnet be,
Ther-fore in the fyfty ȝer
he wold schulde be a ȝer of grace,
and euer sythynne whyt-outen wer
contynuely mon vset has.