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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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4. On Ieptha's Vow.

Victorious Ieptha, could thy Zeale allow
No other way, then by a rash-made Vow,
T'expresse thy Thanks? A Vow, whose undertaking
Was ev'n a Sin more odious, then the making:
'Twas cruell Piety that taught thee how
To paddle in thy Daughters Blood: But thou,
Unlucky Virgin! was there none to be
Betwixt thy Fathers mortall Brow, and Thee?
Why cam'st thou forth, sweet Virgin? To what end
Mad'st thou such needlesse hast? Thou cam'st, to lend
Thy filiall Triumph to thy Fathers Wreath;
Thou thought'st to meet a Blessing, and not Death:
Rash Ieptha! may not thy repentance quit
That Vow, when Rashnesse was the Cause of it?
O can'st thou not dispence with that, wherein
Thy strict Religion's a presumptuous Sin?


Is she unhappy, or thou cruell rather?
Vnhappy Child, and too too cruell Father.