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Of Stasicrates his great offer to great Alexander.
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Of Stasicrates his great offer to great Alexander.

Epi. 106.

Stasicrates (an Architect) of yore,
To Alexander came, and fault did finde
With all his Statuaes; saying they were poore,
And too too small for one of so great mind.
But I (quoth he, if you thereto agree)
Of Athoes Mount will make your Statua;
The Feet whereof shall reach vnto the Sea:
And both Hands hold the pride of Thracia.
The right shall hold the hugest Citty there,
Along the left-hand-Palme (as it were sweat)
Shall run her fairest Riuer, which doth beare
The royal'st Ships: These Greats are like thee, great
These will be sempiternall, worthy thee:
But, vading thinges thy glory will deceiue:

All other Artists are but Shades to me;
On Earth alone I endlesse glory giue:
But, with one drop of inck, some Poets Pen
Can make him longer liue, a God, with Men!