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The Southern harmony, and musical companion

containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems

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[O tell me where the Dove has flown]
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[O tell me where the Dove has flown]


The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


O tell me where the Dove has flown
To build her downy nest,
And I will rove this world all o'er,
To win her to my breast,
To win her to my breast.


I sought her in the groves of love,
I knew her tender heart;
But she had flown—the Dove of Peace
Had felt a traitor's dart,
Had felt a traitor's dart.


I sought her on the flow'ry lawn,
Where pleasure holds her train;
But fancy flies from flower to flower,
So there I sought in vain,
So there I sought in vain.


'Twas on Ambition's craggy hill,
The Bird of Peace might stray;
I sought her there, tho' vainly still,
She never flew that way,
She never flew that way.


Faith smiled, and shed a silent tear,
To see my search around,
Then whisper'd, “I will tell you where
The Dove may yet be found,
The Dove may yet be found.


“By meek Religion's humble cot,
She builds her downy nest;
Go, seek that sweet secluded spot,
And win her to your breast,
And win her to your breast.”