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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Article VIII. Protection of Pedestrians.

Sec. 18-161. Pedestrians crossing streets.[302]

(a) When crossing streets, pedestrians shall not carelessly
or maliciously interfere with the orderly passage of vehicles.
They shall cross wherever possible only at intersections, but
where intersections of streets contain no marked crosswalks
pedestrians shall not be guilty of negligence as a matter of
law for failure to cross at such intersection. They shall cross
only at right angles.


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(b) Pedestrians may cross in intersection diagonally when
all traffic entering the intersection has been halted by lights,
semaphores or signals by a peace or police officer. (Code 1959,
§ 18-161.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-230.

Sec. 18-162. Right of way of pedestrians.[303]

The driver of any vehicle upon a street within a business or
residence district shall yield the right of way to a pedestrian
crossing such street within any clearly marked crosswalk,
whether at midblock or at the end of any block, or any regular
pedestrian crossing included in the prolongation of the lateral
boundary lines of the adjacent sidewalk at the end of a block,
except at intersections where the movement of traffic is being
regulated by traffic officers or traffic-direction devices.

No pedestrian shall enter or cross an intersection in disregard
of approaching traffic.

The drivers of vehicles entering, crossing or turning at
intersections shall change their course, slow down or come to
a complete stop if necessary to permit pedestrians to safely
and expeditiously cross such intersection.

Pedestrians crossing streets at intersections shall at all
times have the right of way over vehicles making turns into
the streets being crossed by the pedestrians.

Notwithstanding the provisions contained in section 18-1,
as used in this section, "business district" means the territory
contiguous to a street or highway where fifty per cent or more
of the total frontage on either side of the street or highway,
for a distance of one hundred fifty feet or more, is used for
business purposes.

Notwithstanding the provisions contained in section 18-1,
as used in this section, "residence district" means the territory
contiguous to a street or highway, not comprising a business
district, where fifty per cent or more of the total frontage, on
either side of the street or highway, for a distance of one
hundred fifty feet or more, is used for residential purposes.
(Code 1959, § 18-162; 6-21-65, § 27.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-231.

Sec. 18-163. Stepping where they cannot be seen.[304]

Pedestrians shall not step into that portion of a street open


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to moving vehicular traffic at any point between intersections
where their presence would be obscured from the vision of
drivers of approaching vehicles by a vehicle or other obstruction
at the curb or side, except to board a passenger bus or to
enter a safety zone, in which event they shall cross the street
only at right angles. (Code 1959, § 18-163.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-232.

Sec. 18-164. Entering or leaving busses.[305]

When actually boarding or alighting from passenger busses,
pedestrians shall have the right of way over vehicles, but shall
not, in order to board or alight from passenger busses, step
into the street sooner nor remain there longer than is absolutely
necessary. (Code 1959, § 18-164.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-233.

Sec. 18-165. Pedestrians not to use streets except when necessary;
keeping to left; soliciting rides.

Pedestrians shall not use the streets, other than the sidewalk
thereof, for travel, except when necessary to do so because
of the absence of sidewalks, reasonably suitable and
passable for their use, in which case, if they walk upon the
hard surface, or the main-traveled portion of the roadway,
they shall keep to the extreme left side of edge thereof, or
where the shoulders of the street are of sufficient width to
permit, they may walk on either shoulder thereof.

Pedestrians shall not stand or stop in any roadway or street
for the purpose of soliciting rides. (Code 1959, § 18-165.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-234.

Sec. 18-166. Playing on streets[307] ; roller skates, toys or other
devices on wheels or runners; persons riding
bicycles, etc., not to attach to vehicles.

No person shall play on a street, other than upon the sidewalks
thereof, within the city. No person shall use on a street
where play is prohibited roller skates, toys or other devices
on wheels or runners (including but not limited to devices
known as "skate boards" or "sidewalk surfboards"), except


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bicycles and motorcycles. The city manager may designate
areas on streets where play is prohibited in which persons
may be permitted to use roller skates, toys or other devices
on wheels or runners, and, if such streets have two traffic
lanes, such persons shall keep as near as reasonably possible
to the extreme left side or edge of the left-hand lane so that
they will be facing oncoming traffic at all times.

No person riding upon any bicycle, roller skates, toys or
other devices on wheels or runners shall attach the same or
himself to any vehicle upon a roadway.

No parent or guardian having the legal custody of any
minor shall permit such minor to violate any of the provisions
of this section. (Code 1959, § 18-166.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-235.

As to playing ball in streets, see § 19-31 of this Code. As to coasting
or snowballing in streets, see § 30-44.

Sec. 18-167. Penalty for violating sections 18-161 to 18-166.[308]

Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of
sections 18-161 to 18-166 shall be fined not less than two dollars
nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense. (Code
1959, § 18-167.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-236.

Sec. 18-168. When vehicles to stop for pedestrians carrying
white or red-tipped white cane.

Whenever a pedestrian is crossing or attempting to cross a
public street or highway, guided by a guide dog or carrying
in a raised or extended position a cane or walking stick clearly
visible above the body which is metallic or white in color or
white tipped with red, the driver of every vehicle approaching
the intersection or place of crossing shall bring his vehicle to
a full stop before arriving at such intersection or place of
crossing, unless such intersection or place of crossing is controlled
by a traffic officer. (Code 1959, § 18-168; 6-21-65,
§ 28.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-237.

Sec. 18-169. Unlawful for person not blind or incapacitated
to carry white or red-tipped white cane.

It is unlawful for any person, unless totally or partially


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blind or otherwise incapacitated, while on any public street
or highway, to carry in a raised or extended position a cane
or walking stick which is metallic or white in color or white
tipped with red. (Code 1959, § 18-169; 6-21-65, § 29.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-238.

Sec. 18-170. Penalty for violating sections 18-168 and 18-169.[311]

Any person who violates any provision of section 18-168
or 18-169 shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine
not exceeding twenty-five dollars or imprisonment in jail not
exceeding ten days, or both. (Code 1959, § 18-170.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-239.

Sec. 18-171. Construction of sections 18-168 and 18-169;
failure to use cane or guide dog not contributory

Nothing contained in sections 18-168 and 18-169 shall be
construed to deprive any totally or partially blind or otherwise
incapacitated person, not carrying a cane or walking
stick or not being guided by a dog, of the rights and privileges
conferred by law upon pedestrians crossing streets, nor shall
the failure of such totally or partially blind or otherwise incapacitated
person to carry a cane or walking stick, or to be
guided by a guide dog upon the streets or sidewalks of this
city be held to constitute nor be evidence of contributory
negligence. (Code 1959, § 18-171.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 46.1-240.