University of Virginia Library



I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.”—St. John xii. 32.

Bring out, bring out the royal Cross,
It is the Saviour's Throne,
He counteth this nor shame nor loss
And He must reign alone;
For none can suffer so but He,
And mortal might not share
The Love that sets the Kingdoms free—
His universal care.
Bring out, bring out the royal robe
Of wounds and cruel thorn,
And let the nails of Passion probe
His Spirit tost and torn;
For every sin of every time
Upon Him now is laid,
And all the sorrows of each clime
Are His and dearly paid.
Bring out, bring out the royal price
He asketh for His part,
The body's living sacrifice,
The broken contrite heart;
Bring out, bring out your willing all,
The bitter and the sweet,
That if again ye faint or fall
It may be at His Feet.