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Poems, Epigrams and Sonnets

By R. E. Egerton-Warburton

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WRITTEN at the Freundschaft Saal, Carlsbad.

Friendless I came, but friendless now no more;
Thy voice, sweet river, greets me, and I trace
A smile of welcome in thy sparkling face,
When early morn invites me to thy shore;
Thy sunlit waters to fresh life restore
The fragrant flowers that gild the mountain's base;
Lull'd by the rippling music of thy race,
With tranquil happiness my heart runs o'er.
The hues of heaven are mirror'd in thy stream;
O! teach me so to live, that hope sublime,
From Heaven reflected, on my path may beam!
Thy ceaseless current runs to reach the sea;
Teach me in wisdom to redeem the time,
Still hastening onward to Eternity.