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It will dawn, the day of pleasure,
Shedding light on vale and hill;
Others wait not for their treasure,
I am waiting, waiting still.
She will come, my queen of beauty,
Come and scatter clouds of ill;
Let the world pursue its duty,
I am waiting, waiting still.
When she first admits affection,
I shall feel a secret thrill;
They may jest and raise objection,
I am waiting, waiting still.
All her face will sweetly soften,
Love will each misgiving kill;
Though my comrades chide me often,
I am waiting, waiting still.
All her heart for me will blossom,
Like the roses by the rill;
Men may court an easier bosom,
I am waiting, waiting still.


Soon her breast but one emotion,
With its passion beats will fill;
Fools may laugh at my devotion,
I am waiting, waiting still.
Love will slowly, surely teach her,
Mould her with a sculptor's skill;
Wealth and rank will never reach her,
I am waiting, waiting still.
She is fair and she is mortal,
She has but a woman's will;
Hark! her feet are at the portal,
I am waiting, waiting still.