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The Shamrock

or, Hibernian Cresses. A Collection of Poems, Songs, Epigrams, &c. Latin as well as English, The Original Production of Ireland. To which are subjoined thoughts on the prevailing system of school education, respecting young ladies as well as gentlemen: with practical proposals for a reformation [by Samuel Whyte]

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LINES, Written in a blank Leaf of JOHNSON's WORKS
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LINES, Written in a blank Leaf of JOHNSON's WORKS

When vulgar Lips, without Distinction, praise
The Artist's Labours, or the Poet's Lays;
Or, what's more common still, at Random blame;
Their Praise, or Censures, we regard the same:
No Raptures that, no Tremors these impart;
But die in Air, and never reach the Heart.
Not so, where Candour with Good-sense presides,
And Taste with Elegance the Judgement guides:
True Genius triumphs there in just Applause,
Nor shuns Reproof, but thence Instruction draws;
The Breast with generous Emulation glows;
And every Touch the grateful Influence shews.
This warm'd both Johnsons with congenial Fire;
And makes even me to please a Louth aspire.
Thus, when, of old, on Memnon's Statue shone
The bless'd Effulgence of th'all-chearing Sun,
The sounding Brass confess'd the potent Ray,
In heart-felt Pæans to the King of Day.

Dr. Samuel Johnson, Author of the Rambler, Idler, &c. and Johnson the Bookbinder, said to be the best in the World, who exerted his peculiar Taste and Skill on this Occasion.