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1 occurrence of Quhat bern be thou in bed
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expand sectionII, III, IV. 

1 occurrence of Quhat bern be thou in bed
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Quhou Eneas with Kyng Evander met,
And bandis of kyndnes hass betwix thame knet.
The fyry son be this ascendit evin
The myddill ward and regioun of the hevyn;
That is to knaw, be than it was myd day,
Quhen that on far the cite wallis se thai,
With towris and the howss hedis on raw
Skatterit disperss, and bot a few to knaw;
Quhilk now the mychty power of Rome tovn
Hes onto hevyn maid equal of renovn.
The kyng Evander, of moblys nocht mychty,
Held for that tyme bot sobyr senȝeory.
In haist thyddir thar stevynnys can do steir
Eneas sort, and to the tovn drew neyr.
Thys Kyng Evander, born was of Arcad,
Percace the self day a gret honour mayd,
Solempnyt fest, and full hie sacryfyss,
Onto the gret Hercules on thar gyss,
That fostyr son was till Amphitrion,
And to the other goddis euery one,
Befor the cite in a hallowit schaw.
Pallas, hys son, was thydder alsso draw,
Togiddir with the principalis of ȝonkeris,
The sobir senatouris, and puyr officeris,
All sammyn kest ensens; and with a stew
Besyde the altar blude sched and scalit new,
Beand lew warm, thar full fast dyd reik.
Bot ȝit als swyth as thai persauyt eyk
The gret bargis slydand thus on raw,
And throw the dern woddis fast thydder draw,
So stilly bendand vp thar ayris ilk wight;
Thai worth affrayt of the suddand syght,
And euery man thai left the burdis in hy,
On fut gan starting from the mangeory.
Quham hardy Pallas dyd forbyd and diffend
Thar sacrifyss tobrek, quhill it war end:


He hynt a wapyn, with a few menȝe
Thame to recontyr onon furth haldis he,
And ȝit weill far from a hill or a know
To thame he callys: “Standis, ȝyng men, howe!
Quhat causs hes movit ȝou apon sik way
Thir strangis wentis onknawin to assay?
Quhiddir ettill ȝe, or quhat kynrent ȝe be?
Schaw quhens ȝe com, and quhilk is ȝour cuntre.
Quhidder do ȝe bryng onto our boundis heir
Bodword of peax, or cumis in feir of wer?”
Eneas tho, the fader of wirschip,
Maid answer from the pulpyt of the schip,
And in hys hand straucht furth, at he mycht se,
In takyn of peax a branch of olyve tre:
“My frend,” quod he, “thou seys pepill of Troy,
To Latyn folkis ennemyss, man and boy;
Quhilk, flemyt of our realm, newly agane
Thai ilk Latynys hess socht with prowd bargane.
Onto the kyng Evander all seik we,
Hym to requir of succurss and supple.
Bair hym this message, and declar hym plane,
That chosyn men discend from Kyng Dardane
Beyn hyddir cummyn, besekyng hys frendschip,
To knyt vp band in armys and falloschip.”
Pallas, estonyst of sa hie a name
As Dardanus, abasyt worth for schame:
“Cum furth,” quod he, “quhat evir thou be, bern bald,
And say befor my fader quhat thou wald,
And entyr in our lugyngis the to rest,
Quhar thou salbe ressauyt welcum gest.”
And furth onone he hynt hym by the hand,
A weil lang quhile hys rycht arm embrasand;
Syne furth togiddir rakyt thai on raw,
The flud thai leif, and entris in the schaw.
Eneas tho, with frendly commonyng,
Spak curtasly, thus sayand to the kyng:
“O thow maste curtass prynce, and best in neid
That evir was byget of Grekis seyd,


Quhamto fortoun wald I suld cummyn heir,
The lawly to besekyng and requir,
And wald alsso I suld furth reke to the
Wippyt with bendis the branch of olyve tre,
In takyn that of thy supple I neid;
Forsuyth, I caucht na maner feir ne dreid,
Thocht thou a capitane of the Grekis be,
Yborn alsso of Arcad the cuntre,
Of blude coniunct to the Atrides tway,
I meyn onto Agamenon and Menelay:
Bot myne awin vertu, and haly oracleis
Of the goddis be devyn miracleis,
And our forbearis all of a kynred,
Thy fame dyuulgat into euery sted,
Hess me fermly adionyt onto the;
The fatis eik tharto inducis me,
That wilfully I obey thar command.
Schir Dardanus, the kyng first in our land
That belt the cite Troy or Ilion,
Our cheif fader, as Grekis grantis ilkone,
Born of Electra, Atlas douchter ȝyng,
Careit be schip come first to Troys ryng;
And this Electra gret Atlas begat,
That on hys schuldyr baris the hevynnys plat.
Mercur is fader of ȝour clan alssua,
Quham the schene madyn, the fair fresch Maya,
Apon the frosty hillys top all bair,
Quhilk Cillenus is hait, in Arcad bair;
And this ilk Maya suythly, gif that we
Ony credens to it we heir or se
May geif, Atlas bygat, that sam Atlas
That rollys the hevynly starrit speir cumpas;
So baith our kynrentis, schortlie to conclud,
Devidit ar furth of a stok and blude.
Quharfor, havand confidens in thir thyngis,
Nothir by ambassat, message nor writingis,
Nor other craft, thy frendschip first socht I;
Bot myne awin self in person com in hy,


That onto the submittit has my hed,
And the to pray socht lawly to this sted.
For the ilk pepill vnder Dawnus kyng,
That the Rutilianys has in governyng,
Quhilk ledis weir aganys thi cuntre,
With cruell batal now persewis me;
And gif thai mycht expell ws of this land,
Thai weyn tharby that nocht may thame ganestand,
Bot at thai sall vnder thar senȝeory
Subdew alhaill in thraldom Italy,
And occupy thai boundis oriental
Quhar as the ovir see flowys alhaill,
And eik thai westir partis, trastis me,
Quhilkis ar bedyit with the neddir see.
Ressaue and knyt vp faith and ferm cunnand,
Tak our promyt and geif ws treuth and band;
Strang bodeis til abyde bargane haue we,
With hardy myndis in batal or melle,
Exercit in weir, and expert at sik nedis,
In lusty ȝouth likly to do our dedis.”
Thus said Eneas, and Evander than,
Fra tyme that he first forto speke began,
Hys eyn, hys mowth, and all hys body rycht
Gan to behald, espying with hys syght,
Syne schortly maid hys ansuer thus agane:
“O quhou glaidly the, mast forcy Troiane,
I do ressaue as tendir frend and feir!
Quhou blythly now I knaw and weil may heir
The voce, the wordis and the speche, but less,
Of thy fader, the gretast Anchises!
And full perfytly now I draw to mynd
The vissage of that worthy knycht maste kynd.
For weill I do ramembir, lang tyme gone,
Quhou Priamus, son of Laomedon,
To vissy hys sisteris land Hesiona,
Socht to the cite hait Salamyna,
And at the sammyn rayss hys vayage maid
Throu the cald frosty boundis of Arcaid.


My grene ȝouth that tyme with pilis ȝyng
First cled my chyn, or berd begouth to spryng;
I ioyt to se the Troian dukis ilkone,
And on the son of Kyng Laomedone,
That is to say, this ilk ȝong Priamus,
Forto behald was mervel gloryus;
Bot thy fader Anchises, quhar he went,
Was hyar far than all the remanent.
My mynd brynt, of ȝouthed throu desire,
To speke and common with that lordly syre,
Tobe acquentit, and ioyn hand intil hand,
Cunnand to knyt, and bynd fordwert or band.
To hym I went desyrus of frendschip,
And sped that sammyn so in falloschip,
Within the wallys of Pheness I hym led,
And quhen he dyd depart, or thens hym sped,
Ane courtly quavir full curyusly wrocht,
With arowis, maid in Lycia, wantand nocht,
Ane garmond he me gaue, or knychtly weid,
Prynnyt and wovyn full of fyne gold threid,
Twa goldyn bridillis eik, as he dyd pass,
Quhilk now my son occupyis, ȝong Pallas.
Quharfor our allyance, faith and richt hand,
As ȝe desire, ar ellys adionyt in band—
We bene of ald confideratis, perfay:
Quharfor to morn, alssone as the brycht day
Begynnys allycht the landis and the sky,
With succurss and suppovell blythly I
Sal ȝou fra hyne hame to ȝour army send,
And with my gudis and my mobillis amend.
And in the meyn tyme, sen, my frendis deir,
Onto our sacrefyis ȝe be cummyn heir,
Quhilk ȝeirly vsyng we as anniuersary,
That bene onlefull to defer or tary:
Tharfor with ws do hallow our hie fest,
And with glaid semlant blythly maste and lest
Accustom ȝou from thens, and now instant
Our tabillis as ȝour frendly burdis hant.”


Quhen this was said, mesis and cowpis ilkane,
Quhilk war away tak, bad he bring agane,
And he hym self the Troiane men fut het
On sonkis of gresy scheraldis hes doun set.
Thar pryncipal capitane syne, Ene,
Beside hym self on dess ressauys he;
The benk, ybeldyt of the grene holyne,
With lokkyrrit lyoun skyn ourspred was syne.
Than ȝong men walit bissy heir and thar,
And eik prestis of Hercules altar,
The rostit bullys flesch set by and by,
The bakyn breid of baskettis temys in hy,
And wynys byrlys into gret plente.
Eneas, sammyn with hys Troiane menȝe,
Dyd of perpetual oxin fillettis eyt,
And purgit entralis, clepit clengyng meit.