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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Secundo institucia est quinquagesna propter significacionem.

On anothyr cause I myn
whi quinquagesme ordenyt was,
in tokenyng of our synne
was playn remission and grace,
ffor al-way the fyfty ȝere
has ben ȝer of iubile,
that al men bounden in daunger
weren releschet and maad fre,
Also who-ser in dette wer
for-ȝiuen thenne was he,
or taken as for prisoner
deliueret wel in vch degre,
So that of synne if we be cler
thurgh schrift and in ful charite,
from the deuel and his power
thys tyme forboght that we schun be.