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The Vision of William concerning Piers Plowman

together with Vita de Dowel, Dobet, et Dobest, Secundum Wit et Resoun, By William Langland (About 1362-1380 A.D.): Edited from Numerous Manuscripts, with Prefaces, Notes and a Glossary, By the Rev. Walter W. Skeat

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Bote Teologye haþ teoned me ten score tymes;
For þe more I [muse] þeron þe [mistiloker] hit semeþ,
And þe deppore I diuinede þe [derkore] me þouȝte.
Hit is no science forsoþe to sotilen þer-Inne,
Ncore þe loue þat lyhþ þerinne a lewed þing hit weore.
Bote for hit [let] best bi loue I leeue hit þe betere;


For þat loue is þe lord þat lakkede neuer grace;
Leef wel þer-vppon ȝif þou þenke Dowel;
For Dobet and Dobest beoþ drawen of [loue] scole.
In oþer science hit seiþ seo hit in Catoun,

Qui simulat verbis, nec corde est [fidus] Amicus, [Tu quoque fac simile, sic ars deluditur arte.]

But Theologie techeþ not so hose takeþ kepe,
He [kenneþ] us þe contrarie aȝeyn Catons wordes,
And biddeþ [vs] ben as Breþeren and Blessen vr enemys,
And louen hem þat lyȝen on vs lellyche at heor neode,
And do good aȝeyn vuel; God him-self hoteþ,
And seide hit him-self In ensaumple for þe beste,

Necesse est vt veniant scandala.

Bote Astronomye is hard þing and vuel to knowe,
Gemetrie and Gemensye is gynful of speche,
Þat worcheþ with þeose þreo þriueþ he late,
For sorcerye Is þe souereyn [bok þat to þat science longiþ,
Ȝet arn þere febicchis of Forellis] of mony mennes wittes.
Experimentis of Alconomye Of Alberdes makynge,
Nigromancye and perimancie þe pouke to Rise makeþ;


Ȝif þou þenche Dowel dele with hem neuere.
Alle þeose sciences siker, I my-seluen
Haue I-founded hem furst folk to deceyue.