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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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How long wilt thow forgett me Lord?
For evir shall it bee?
How long wilt thow withdraw thy face,
And hyd thy selff from me?


How long take counsell in my soule
Shall I, whill daylie grow
My greevs of hart? How long insult
Sall ovir me my foe?


My sute let weght and hearing haue,
O Lord my God, with thee;
Lest death's cold sleep seal vp my sight,
Mine eyes with light supplie;


Lest over him prevaild I have,
By my proud foe be sayd,
And the opposers of my peace,
When I am mov'd be glade.


My trust is in thy mercie; still
Shall thy salvation be
My joy of heart. To God I'le sing,
Who hath delt weell with me.