University of Virginia Library

Epig. 97. To the no lesse ingenious then ingenuous Mr. Iohn Dun.

Dvnne is the Mouse (they say) and thou art Dunne:
But no dunne Mouse thou art; yet art thou one
That (like a Mouse) in steepe high-waies dost runne,
To finde foode for thy Muse to prey vpon.
Whose pallat is so dainty in her taste,
That she distasts the least vnsauory Bit:
But that's vnlike a Mowse; for, he will wast,
All in his way; and oft himselfe vvith it,
Not much vnlike some Poets of our Times,
That spoile good paper vvith their byting Pen,
Like this of mine; but yet my doggrell Rimes
Do byte at none but Monsters like to men:
And that (I know) thy Pen hath rightly donne,
Which doing right, makes bright the Name of Dunne.