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In Justine's Times which began 521

But se how Justice guilds ore Justines dayes
With her bright glory. Now a Comet shines
And quickly after down an Earthquake layes
Brave Anazarba in Cilicia lines.
Edessa too a City of Renown
Scirtus his overflowing streams do drown.
But when the water fell there found was in
Its banks a Table all of stone inlaid
With Hieroglyphicks thus, the Scirt shall sing
And basely dance with Citizens its said
Halfe Pompeioples swallow'd up whose train
Within the Mouth of Death, beg help in vain.


At Naples in the Market place was raisd
The Image wrought of hewn stone squar'd and laid
In Colours gay with Varnish richly blazde
Of Theodorick King who havock made
Of many Saints and burnisht o're his time
With blood of Orthodox and Arrians slime.
God takes him now to task. His Image-Head
Drops on its own accord off from its neck,
Presaging of his downfall. He thus sped
He's stoughd with griefs under and up on Deck.
He deems the Fish disht on his table 'peare
The Heads of such as by him cut off were.
And ninty dayes after Pope Johns Death, hee
Dies suddainly by Apoplex or Squirt.


He leaves no Son. The Image still must bee

The Necromancer out its belly flurts
At eight years end and then his daughters son
Nam'de Athalaricus, his glass is run.
Soon after this, its secret parts drop out,
Then dies his Daughter Himelswita shall
And when the Goths besieigd the City stoute
Its Thighs, Legs, yea and feet leap from the Wall
O happy Omen! now the Romans say
Who on the Siegers fell, and chast away.