University of Virginia Library


Happy fields of summer, all your airy grasses
Whispering and bowing when the west wind passes,—
Happy lark and nestling, hid beneath the mowing,
Root sweet music in you, to the white clouds growing!
Happy fields of summer, softly billowed over
With the feathery red-top and the rosy clover,


Happy little children seek your shady places,
Lark-songs in their bosoms, sunshine on their faces!
Happy little children, skies are bright above you,
Trees bend down to kiss you, breeze and blossom love you;
And we bless you, playing in the field-paths mazy,
Swinging with the harebell, dancing with the daisy!
Happy fields of summer, touched with deeper beauty
As your tall grain ripens, tell the children duty
Sweeter is than pleasure;—tell them both are blended
In the best life-story, well begun and ended!