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Att a Quarter Courte helde for Virginia the 15th of Nouember 1620.
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Att a Quarter Courte helde for Virginia the 15th
of Nouember 1620.


the Right Honorable  Earle of Southampton. 
Lord Cauendish. 
Lord Pagett. 
Sr Edwin Sandys.  Sr Richard Grobham. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  Sr Frauncis Wyatt. 
Sr Robert Phillips.  Sr Edward Lawley. 
Sr Phillip Cary. 
mr Brooke.  mr Chri: Earle.  mr Nicholas Ferrar. 
mr Deputie.  mr Bromfeild.  mr Sheppard. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Wrotheby.  mr Boothby. 
mr Wroth.  mr Iohn Smith.  mr Couell. 
Docter Anthony.  Capt Bargraue.  mr Ayre. 
mr Georg Sandys.  mr Herbert.  mr Wiseman. 
mr Casewell.  mr Robert Smith.  mr Berblock. 
mr Cranmer.  mr Chamberlyn. 
mr Mellinge. 
mr Clarke. 

After the Actℯ of the former Courte were read a straunger stept in
presentinge a Mapp of Sr Walter Rawlighes conteyninge a Descrip-
c̃on of Guiana, and wth the same fower great books as the guifte of
one vnto the Company that desyred his name might not be made
knowne, wherof one booke was a treatise of Stt Augustine, of the Citty
of God translated into English the other three greate Volumes wer
the works of Mr Perkins newlie corrected and amended, wch books
the Donor desyred they might be sent to the Colledge in Virginia there
to remayne in safftie to the vse of the Collegiates hereafter, and not
suffered att any time to be sent abroade, or vsed in the meane while,


ffor wch so worthy a guifte my Lord of Southampton desyred the p̱tie
that presented them to returne deserved thanks from himselfe and
the rest of the Company to him that had soe kindely bestowed them.
A Mapp presented
of Sr Walter Raw-
leigh & 4 great

Sr Edwin Sandys acquainted the Courte howe carefully mr Chamberlyn
had been att the request of the Compa: to compound wth the States of
Middlebrough for the Custome of the Tobacco to be brought thyther
this year from Virginia signifyinge that hee had brought them neere
to an agreemt, so that for bringinge the said Comoditie in they should
pay but a halfepenny ye pound and for carryinge the same out againe
to pay after the same rate; [168] And for that the said States might
have the better assurance of the p̱formance hereof by the Company,
Itt was humbly desyred that itt would please my Lord of Southampton
to intimate so much vnto them by his Lops: owne letter in the name
of the Company, wch my Lord very nobly p̱mised to dispatch

Sr Edwin Sandys
reporte of mr
Chamberlynℯ care
for compoundinge
wth the States of

Sr Edwin Sandys further signified that wheras certaine Instrucc̃ons
were sent in writinge in the Bona Noua concerninge the plantinge of
Mulbery Trees, and makinge fitt roomes for the Silkewormes (wch in
his opinion was exceedinglie well done) and haveinge now vnderstood
of a ffrench book of the same Subiect comended vnto him for an
excellent treatise of that kinde) moved that some of the Compa: would
please to take the paines to translate itt into English, and that a good
number of them might be printed to be sent ouer to Virginia and ther
dispersed amongst the Planters soe as everie houshold might have
one, And that in the said bookℯ the p̱ticularr rates of those Staple
Com̃odities wch the Comittees were desyred to sett downe to be payd
for them to the Planters might likewise be incerted wth some Instruc-
c̃ons allso for the orderinge of other Comodities wch moc̃on was well
approved of and generally assented vnto.

A French Booke
for plantinge of
Mulbery trees &
ordering of Silk-
wormes to be trans-
lated into English.

Mr Deputy haveinge presented to my Lord of Southampton a note of
such Staple Comodities as are supposed may either now or verie
shortly be hadd in good aboundance in Virginia wch were rated par-
ticularly by a Comittee of Marchantℯ att such price as they are now
sould att here in England, Itt was thought fitt and desyred that the


∥said∥ Comittees would againe take some further paines on the behalfe
of the Planters in Virginia to moderate and abate the said Prizes to
such a reasonable rate wth considerac̃on of fraight and Hazard, as
both the Marchants might be enduced to buy the same and the Planters
assured of a Certaine vent hereafter of the said Comodities.
A note presented
to my Lo: of South̴-
ton of such Staple
Comodities as
wilbe had shortly
in Virginia
The Comittees to
moderate and
abate ye prize of
them Cr.

Sr Edwin Sandys declared that the Comonwealth and State of the
Country Colony in Virginia began generally to prosper so well as they
did not desire any more provysion of Meale to be sent vnto them but
rather prayed that the Company would be pleased to be att the ∥some∥
charge to send them a few triflinge Comodities [169] As Beades and
such like toyes wherby to truck wth the Indians for Corne and other
necessaries to encrease and maynteyne therby a Christian Comerce,
and trade with the Sauages, wch they exceedingly desire may be

Sr Edw: Sandys re-
ported yt the Col-
ony desired no
more meale but
rather some tri-
fling Comodi: to
truck wth ye Na-

Touchinge Gabriell Wishers former offer att the last Court to procure
out of Sweadland, and Poland men skillfull in makinge Pitch, & Tarr,
Pottashes, and Sopeashes, Dressers of Hemp and Flax, Clapbord and
Pipestaues and for makinge Salt Peter and Powder after the rate of
10li:10s a man that shalbe here by the end of May next. The Courte
have ordered that hee shall have 100li allowed him to provide Tenn
skillfull men as aforesaid butt for the manner of the Contract to be
made with him and other necessary circumstances incydent thervnto
they have referred the said Gabriell Wisher to be further concluded
wth the Comittees.

Gabriell Wisher to
haue 100li: Cr.

Thomas Wood beinge now willinge (though hee conceived itt a hard
bargaine) to accept of the offer of the former Courte, wch was that for
everie Cowe of our English breed transported by him or his Agents
safe and sound to Virginia hee should be paide Eleuen pounde and
for every Shee Goate three pounds tenn shillings, vppon certificate att
his returne from the Gouernor there; Hee moved therfore now that
hee might have some assurance vnder the Companies Seale for the
payment of the said Monny; whervppõ the Courte ordered that accord-
inge to his request hee should have his securitie confirmed vnder the
Seale of the Company for wch they gave order to mr Deputy to see itt

Tho: Woode to
haue his security
Vnder ye Compa:


Mr Caswell moved that the Lord Maior of this Cittie might be solicited
to afforde this Company the like number of Children with the like
allowance as formerly they had, butt hee wished wthall that itt might
be effected vppon more easie condic̃ons then the former Comittees for
the Cittie sought to drawe them vnto who as itt appeared stood more
vppon an over advantagious bargaine on the behalfe of the said Chil-
dren then they did vppon the good of the Plantac̃on for wch they were
p̳cured Itt was therfore thought fitt and so ordered that a ɫre should
be write to the Lord Maior and Aldermen specifyinge ye Condic̃ons
p̱ticularly for wch the Compa: would accept of them and in good
manner place them as serṽntℯ or Apprentizes wth the Companies
Teñntℯ. [170]

mr Caswell moc̃on
for soliciting ye Lo:
Maior for ye like
number of chil-
dren as formerly
they had.
A ɫre: to be writ-
ten to ye Lo: Maior
& Aldermen.

Mr Smith conceivinge that the sume of five pound demaunded wth
everie Childe that should be sent out of the Country to be transported
to Virginia was a greater charge then would willingly be disbursed by
the Common sorte, seeinge they might wth a lesse charge as ordi-
naryly for five Marks binde their Children Apprentizes att home to
good Trades and therfore itt was vnlikely they would be drawne to
give a greater sume to send them to a fforraigne Country hee therfore
moved that the 5li specified in the Publicac̃on might be abated to ffive
Marks for wch mayne reason the Courte thought fitt and ordered yt
abatement should be made of the said five pound accordinglie.

5li demaunded wth
euery Childe yt
shalbe sent out of
ye Country helde
to be too great a

Mr Deputy signified that hee was solicited by the Marshall of this
Cittie and some others that had taken paines to p̳cure those Children
out of the Cittie wch were heretofore sent to Virginia, to move this
Courte for some reward for their care and travell therin, yt they might
be encourraged hereafter to take the like paines whensoever they
should have againe the like occasion; The Court herevppon referred
itt to the Comittees to give such a Sum̃e and to p̳porc̃on the same
amongst them as they shall thinke fitt.

The rewardinge of
the Marshall of ye
Cittie and some
others for p̳curing
ye Children out of
ye Cittie referred
to the Com̃ittees

Mr Jefferson desyringe the Courte to take into their good consider-
ac̃on the losses hee had susteyned; was referred to Sr Edwin Sandys
and Mr Deputy to conferr wth them aboute the same.

Mr Jefferson re-
ferred to Sr Edw:
Sandys & Mr


Some of the Summer Ilands Company moved that the Courte would
be pleased as well in respect that the Barmudas was sould vnto them
for a farr greater quantitie of Land then they nowe finde it to be as
allso for the better enhablinge of them to subsiste and to procure and
maynteyne a mutuall dependance and traffique hereafter to graunt
and confirme vnto them now in this great & generall Quarter Courte
a good porc̃on of Land in Virginia on that side of the Coaste as lyes
nearest vnto them, either att Ronoqq̢ southerly or else wheras shalbe
most convenyent for them not beinge yett inhabited; Wch request the
Courte takinge into considerac̃on, did [171] order and agree that
accordinge to the number of their Shares (beinge in all 400 or their
aboutℯ) they should have for every Share 100: Acres of Land in Vir-
ginia, and 50 Acres for every p̱son that shall be transported thither,
Provided that none of them sell his said Shares vnless hee sell together
wth itt his Share of Land in the So: Ilands and for a publique Stocke
they have likewise graunted vnto them 5000: Provided that between
this and the year 1625 they transporte for everie Share for that Plan-
tac̃on att least one man; Provided allso that soe many as shall not
§ vnder § write and accordingly pay in his mony ratably by the set-
tinge out of this first Voyadge shall not be capable of the said one
hundred Acres for a Share; And lastly the Courte ordered that a ɫre
should be write to the Gouernor to sett out their bounds and lymitts
where they shall like best to seat themselves so as they may not be
preiudic̃all to any other Plantac̃on ther alredy.[647]

The Sum̃er Ilandℯ
Compa: moc̃on for
a good porc̃on of
Land in Virginia
they shall haue
for euery share 100
Acres and 50 Acres
for euery Person
yt shalbe trans-
A ɫre to be writ to
ye Gouernor to sett
out their Landℯ Cr.

Capt: Somers [(]in respect nothinge did appear by Sr Tho: Smiths Cash
booke to be paid in redy monny by Sr George Somers to Sr Thomas
Smith) was desyred to prepare such proofes against the next Courte
as hee presumed hee could produce to iustifie his demaund to be due
as aforesaid.

Capt Somers to
prepare his proofs

The Ladie De Lawarre haveinge by her ɫre dated the 15th of this
present moneth signified vnto the Compa: that wheras aboute three
years since the Earle of Hartford adventured 150li in her late husband


(the Lord Delawarrℯ) last Voyadge to Virginia as by an agreemt vnder
his hand and seale made in the behalfe of the said Earle may appeare.
And for asmuch as the said Earle hath since conferred ye benifitt of
his said purchase vppon his servant mr Iohn Kelly, shee therfore moved
that hee might have a proporc̃on of Land in Virginia accordinge to
the number of Shares due for the said some of —150li as allso for the
personall Adventure of 10 men transported thither by her said Hus-
band: wch request the Courte thought verie reasonable, and accord-
inglie assented there vnto: Provided that so much be deducted ratably
out of my Lord Delawarrℯ Accompts.
The La: Lawarrℯ
request in ye be-
halfe of mr Kelly
assented vnto.

Mr Henry Rowland Goldsmith petic̃oned that forasmuch as his brother
Dauid Floyde had assigned vnto him his purchased Adventure of 12li
10s wch this petic̃oner paid for though passed in his said brothers name
as by his assignement vnder his hand and Seale maie appeare. [172]
The Petic̃oner therfore humbly desyreth that his said Assignement
beinge allowed by the Auditors might now pass the approbac̃on of
this Courte And that hee likewise might have one p̱sonall Share of
Land, due for the Adventure of his said brothers person who dyed in
Virginia full tenn years since, wch Captaine Tucker allso testified to
be true. Whervppõ the said Assignement was by order of Courte
confirmed to the said peticoner as likewise the Share of Land desyred
for the personall Adventure of the said Dauid Floyde deceased.

mr Hen: Rowlands
assignment Con-
firmed & a Per-
sonall Share al-
lowed him for ye
Aduenture of his
brotherℯ person

Richard Mooreton in his petic̃on craveinge an allowance of one Share
of Land for the Adventure of his p̱son haveinge been in Virginia
allmost three years, answer was made that his request could not be
graunted vnless hee had continued there the full tearme of three years,
either att one or att seuerall times: And therfor orderd that if hee
would be contented to returne againe or send on thither hee should
have his personall Share allowed vnto him & direcc̃on should be given
to the Gouernor to sett out his Land for him wch offer hee willinglie
embraced and assented vnto.

Rich: Mooreton
for a share of Land
for Aduenture of
his Person.

William Potterton in his petic̃on haveinge desyred yt the Courte would
please to give him the same recompence for the service of one Edward
Trew his Apprentice beinge (15li) wch my Lo De Lawarr promised
him as may appeare by his Lops: bond for his good will to lett his


said servant goe wth him to Virginia to let where hee still remayneth
in the Companies service; The Courte herevppõ ordered that the
Petic̃oner should repayre to my La: Lawarr for his sattisfacc̃on in
considerac̃on of her husbands promise extant vppon his ∥lps∥ bond.
Williã Potterton
petic̃oning for rec-
ompence for ye
seruice of Wm:
Trew referd to my
La: Lawarr.

Captaine Daniell Tucker in his Petic̃on desyred that the Compa: would
please to graunt him some Competent portion of Land in Virginia,
aswell in recompence of his service there, so well knowne to this
Companey in vndertakinge the Charge of all the munic̃on and pro-
vision belonginge to the Collony beinge allsoe sworne of his Mats:
Counsell there, and shortlie after my Lord DeLawarres Arivall,
appoynted Prouant Maister, Viceadmirall and Truck Mr, continuinge
in the said Offices five years vntill his Matie: by express ɫers sent for
him, [173] as likewise in considerac̃on of the Pinnace hee sent thither
wher shee is still employed and doth the Company great service in
carryinge Corne and other things from place to place; The Courte
therfore duely weighinge the merritts of his Person and service did
generally agree and order that hee should have fifteen Shares of Land
bestowed vppon him vppon a first division as the Companies reward
in recompence of his said service, vppon Condic̃on that hee should not
sell away any of his said Shares wch hee assented vnto and wth much
thankfullnes accepted of.

15 shares bestowed
vppon Capt Tuck-

Sr Iohn Dauers herevppon moved that for the more equall distribuc̃on
of Shares hereafter, vppon well deservinge personns imployed in the
Companies service that ther might be a speciall Comittee appoynted
who vppon due examinac̃on of their p̱ticularr merritts might sett
downe such a proporc̃on of Land for their rewardes, as might best
suite wth the * * * * * * ∥Honorable∥ bountie of this Courte, and
their p̱ticularr deservings, wch moc̃on the Court conceived to be of
very great importance, and did therfor order that these Comittees
should be appoynted for the future disposic̃on and proporconinge of
Shares vizdt Sr Edwin Sandys, Sr Iohn Dauers, mr Deputy, mr Smith,
Captain Tucker.

A Comittee ap-
poynted for Dis-
posinge & propro-
coninge of Shares.

These were appoynted to take care of the two Virginia maydes remayn-
inge in the Custodie of mr William Webb the husband vizd mr Case-


well, mr Robertℯ, mr Caninge and mr Webb, who are likewise desyred
to place them in good services where they may learne some trade to
live by hereafter for wch respect ye Company hath promised to bestowe
some thinge wth them.
A Comittee for
takinge care of ye 2
Virginia Maydes.

The forme of Securitie ordered the last Courte to be drawne for mr
Deputy and mr Sheppard to save them harmelesse as touchinge a
Contract made wth certaine Dutch Carpenters sent to Virginia to
be imployd in the Companies service was now read and ordered
to be sealed.

The Securytie for
sauinge harmeless
mr Deputy and mr
Sheppard ordered
to be sealed.

The agreement made wth mrs Barkley for allowinge her 331li: 12s: 10d
in money and so many Shares of Land in Virginia as might make vpp
the said sume 400li was now putt to ye question and confirmed. [174]

The Agreement
made wth mrs
Barkley con-

Doctor Bohune haveinge desyred that his Pattent might be renewed
in his owne name onely and Capaine Swifte who was ioyned with him
in the first might be in this lefte outt for that hee was gone beyond
Sea beinge accordinglie drawne and nowe presented the Court gave
order to mr Deputy to Seale itt.

Dr Bohunℯ Pat-
tent renued in his
owne name.

My Lord of Southampton signifide vnto the Company that himselfe
and some others hadd been this afternoone before the Lords to make
reporte what iust exceptions they had taken against new England
Pattent wherby they found themselvs vtterlie excluded from fishinge
vppon the North Seas butt wthall his Lop: signified that by a late
conferrence had with Sr Ferdinando Gorges aboute itt they did nott
doubt butt they should now accorde, for that itt was agreed on both
sides for some important reasons to renewe either of their Pattents
wch was promised should be done by mutuall advise of the Counsell:
Whervppon their Lops: ordered that in the meane while this Patent
of Sr Ferdinando Gorges should be sequestred and deposited in my
Lord Chancellors hands (as vndelivered) accordinge to his Mats: express
Commaundement. And that this Company should notwithstandinge
goe on wthout losse of time vppon the preveledge of their former
grauntℯ wherby itt was conceived they had libertie to fish vppon the
Seas now debarred.

My Lord of South-
ampton reported
how yt hee had
been before ye
LLs: of ye Counsell
to acq̃int them of
ye excepc̃ons taken
against New En-
gland Pattent
The Patent to be
deposited in my
Lo: Chancellors
The Compa to goe
on vppon ye preu-
iledge of their
form9 grauntℯ.


Att the risinge of the Courte mr Smith acquainted his Lop: and the
rest of the Counsell present that itt was the humble sute of ye gener-
allytie vnto them that they would please to enter into consultac̃on,
and advise about such further imunities and larger previledges as were
fittinge to be moved att this next Parlyament. and that itt might
redound aswell to the Honour of this noble Societie as the future
advancement of the Plantac̃on in generall wherof they had now cause
sufficient to conceave the greater hope to speed the better in respect
his Maty began of late to fix his gratious eye vppon itt, as beinge
redie vppon all occasions to afford them his Royall fauour and
protecc̃on. [175]

mr Smithℯ moc̃on
to Consider of such
future imunities as
were fittinge to be
moued at ye next


The provisions for the settlement of this land are included in the printed book of the Orders and
Constitutions of the Somers Islands Company. Two Courts of the company concerning this subject
are mentioned. See List of Records, Nos. 290, 303, 304, page 154, ante.