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Hymn 4.

[Yes, Thou dear lamb-like Son of God]

Yes, Thou dear lamb-like Son of God,
Whom now with eyes of faith I view,
Thou know'st, I in Thy steps have trod,
And would to Calvary pursue,
Through all Thy passion's stages run,
Till Thou pronounce the word 'Tis done.
Thy Spirit breathe into my breast,
Spirit of patient charity,
And lo! I meet the fiery test,
To prison go, and death with Thee,
Anticipate the dreadful hour,
And stand in Thine almighty power.
A witness of Thy truth I stand,
Arraign'd at man's unrighteous bar,
In vain my answer they demand,
My silence shall Thy truth declare,
A sheep before the shearers dumb,
To answer as my Lord I come.
Falsely accused I hold my peace,
The Judge Supreme doth all things know;
I want no rescue, or release,
No justice I expect below,
Nor mercy,—more than Jesus found,
The Man to yonder pillar bound.


O what a piteous sight is there!
His tender hands are tied behind,
His back their cruel scourges tear,
Yet no complaint, or sigh we find;
Or if He groans in all the smart,
'Tis for the hardness of their heart.
My pattern here I plainly see,
A voice is in Thy streaming blood,
It bids me bear the scourge like Thee,
Like Thee commit my cause to God,
Like Thee the' injurious world oppose,
Like Thee avenge me of my foes.