University of Virginia Library



Whose is this image and superscription?”—St. Matt. xxii. 20.

God reads us like an open book
And marks the writing on each page,
He values every fleeting look
As even the longest pilgrimage;
Beneath the pageant of the part,
He weighs the secret of the heart.
Though sullied may be every line
And not a letter meetly made,
He sometimes sees a note Divine
And Glory bursting through the shade;
The fruitless day, the feeble shoot,
May have in Him a deeper root.
He counts not much the gallant show,
The dazzle of a dying wraith,
But asketh what is writ below
And seeks the hidden love and faith;
For the poor dark and troubled years,
Are watered oft with God-like tears.
What of the creases or the blot
That blurs the outward fact or form,
When splendid lives are moulded not
Except by unknown fire and storm?
God readeth us, we guess not where,
But looks to see His writing there.