University of Virginia Library




TUNE,—“When at home with dad.”

Hark, yon traitor cries!
“You, who wealth are courting,
Here your treasure lies
In the lap of fortune!
All who wish may win,
And not risk a shilling—
Tumble, tumble in—
To the lucky bag of Milan.
To ra lo ra le, &c.
“Never mind the crime
Nor the nation's curses,
While the gold doth chime
Sweetly in your purses.
Swear the Queen's unchaste
On land, and when aboard, O;
And when cross-tried, in haste
Bawl out, ‘non mi ricordo!’”
To ra lo ra le, &c.
Thus has the traitor got
The refuse of a nation,
By bribery and by plot
Well trained for defamation.
He cries, “I think we'll do—
We'll gain our point completely;
We'll prove it through and through—
For we've all the knaves in Italy.”
To ra lo ra le, &c.
But spite of all his skill,
His perjury and bluster,
He's in confusion still
For all his noisy fluster.
Demont's in error's thrall!
Help Sacchi can't afford, O!
Majacci cries to all
That's asked, “non mi ricordo!
To ra lo ra le, &c.


Thy fate, O Britain, mourn,
To think of the expenses,
And eke the matchless scorn
And woeful consequences!
All Europe, laughing, jeers,
To see the bosom cronies
Of our great House of Peers
A band of Lazaronies.
To ra lo ra le, &c.
Liverpool, take heed,
Lest foreign knaves befoil ye,
Premiers often need
Reflect on Cardinal Wolsey.
Caroline must reign,
Though we squander millions,
Far and near, to gain
A host of perjured scullions.
To ra lo ra le, &c.