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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“And what I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch.” —Mark, xiii. 37.

Art thou a sinner, from the sleep
Which ends in death awaking?
Be rous'd this holy watch to keep,
Through grace thy sins forsaking.
Have growing light and added power
Been unto thee extended?
Forsake not thou thy fortress-tower,
Nor deem the watch suspended.
Only while vigilance is thine,
Canst thou expect the blessing
Their Lord and Master will assign
To pilgrims onward pressing.
Art thou a saint, by grace redeem'd,
Through Christ's atoning merit?
Be not the watch-word disesteem'd,
If life thou would'st inherit.


The higher ground thou may'st have gain'd,
Its counsel more is needed;
Nor can thy safety be maintain'd,
The watch-tower left unheeded.
In light or darkness, joy or woe,
By good or ill surrounded,
Thy hope of conquest o'er each foe
On watchfulness is founded.
Not in the wisdom, or the might
Of man,—for these will fail thee,
When powers of darkness, born of night,
In conflict shall assail thee.
The watchfulness that slumbers not
Must be through grace imparted;
By faith and prayer it is begot,
And saves the simple-hearted.