University of Virginia Library


“We will come and make our abode with him.” —Gospel for the Day.

Where is my Saviour's earthly home
In which He deigns to dwell,
And sacramental Graces come
With their divinest spell?—
Creation's priests true poets are
Who sacrifice to Song,
And worship Him, as everywhere,
To Whom their lyres belong.
Above, around, and all below,
Where crowding grandeurs thrill
The mind with reverential glow,
From forest, mead, or hill—


The Beautiful, the Bright and Fair
Preach Christ to saintly hearts;
Or, waken that unworded prayer
God's secret life imparts.
And, often round some cottage-hearth
His wingèd mercies wait,
ving to humble peace a worth
Beyond imperial state.
But though an omnipresent Lord
Faith ev'rywhere divines,
It learns from His revealing Word
Where Godhead most enshrines
The riches of His grace for Man,—
And that, the Church is proved!
Wherein He works Redemption's plan,
By saint and martyr loved.
Where two or three together meet,
Lo! in the midst is One
Who hears adoring hearts, which beat
With life His Breath begun.
Receptive of all prayer and praise,
He counts each heavenward sigh,
And meets with sympathetic gaze
The Souls which look on high.
And, by that Font of second Birth,
Whose mystic waters gleam
With something more than soilèd earth
Can understand, or dream,—
There, stands the Lord of viewless grace
With His regen'rate spells,
A seed to sow, no eye can trace
Till future saintship tells.


His Home is in the Priesthood, too,
While that deep promise stands,—
“Go preach My Word, for which on you
I lay ordaining Hands.”
But, if there be a Rite of awe
Where God's redemptive grace
Becomes, by preternat'ral law,
Incorp'rate with our race,
Say,—is it not that sacred feast,
Where Christ Himself imparts,
Under the types His chosen priest
Offers to feeding hearts?
Oh! Banquet of celestial bliss,
An Aliment for heaven,
Wherein the future Body is
By germs of myst'ry given.
Thus, in His members, which are One,
By union with their Head,—
Is present God's Incarnate Son
Who once for sinners bled.
The Church is, thus, Emanuel's home,
His dwelling-place, and shrine,
From whence, if wilful error roam,
It forfeits hope divine;
While hearts, made wise in holiness,
Attuned by constant prayer,—
The Lord will beautify and bless,
And throne his spirit there.

“He breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” (John xx. 22.)

“Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John vi. 54.)