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Poems on Several Occasions

With some Select Essays in Prose. In Two Volumes. By John Hughes; Adorn'd with Sculptures

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With downcast Looks the joyless Victor sat
Revolving in his alter'd Soul
The various Turns of Chance below;
And, now and then, a Sigh he stole,
And Tears began to flow.
The mighty Master smil'd to see
That Love was in the next Degree:
'Twas but a Kindred-Sound to move;
For Pity melts the Mind to Love.
Softly sweet in Lydian Measures,
Soon he sooth'd his Soul to Pleasures.



[With Flutes.]
War is Toil and Trouble,
Honour is an airy Bubble,
Never ending, still beginning,
Fighting still, and still destroying,
If the World be worth thy winning,
Think, O think, it worth enjoying:
Lovely Thais sits beside thee,
Take the Good the Gods provide thee.