University of Virginia Library

Þe douk oxeþ what his name be:
‘Yon men clepet me in mi cuntre.’
‘Yon,’ he seyd, ‘ichot now þe
Þat þou þat hors wele kepe me.’
An hous he deliuer[d] him þo
Þat no þing com in bot þai to.
Þe douk þat nouȝt no wist,
Þat Gij was þer-in, bi Crist.
Alle his wille he may now do,
Non vn-worþschip men seyd him to.
Gij into a tour is y-go,
A strong prisoun fond he þo:


Fourti fadom depe it was.
He hadde y-herd cri, ‘allas’:
He oxed anon who þat were
Þat made þer so reuly bere.
‘Ich,’ he seyd, ‘a wreched man:
Me reuweþ sore þat y liues am.
Erl Tirri mi nam is:
Now icham a wreche, y-wis.
Þe douk no misdede y neuer nouȝt,
And in þis prisoun icham y-brouȝt.
More iren about me is
Þan a somer miȝt beren, y-wis,
On armes, on legges, on bodi also.
Mi deþ ich wold were com me to.
For þan þat ich felawe was
To a kniȝt þat neuer his better nas,
Whom þe douk Otus hated, y-wis,
On me þe wreche fallen now is.
Þat ich ete þis is þe þridde day:
Long liue y no may.’
‘Tirri,’ quaþ Gij, ‘no be nouȝt wo:
Icham Gij þou louedest so.
Out of prisoun y schal cast þe
So sone y may mi time se.’