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Divine Fancies

Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. By Fra: Quarles

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2. On Gods Dyet..

Deare Lord; when we approch thy sacred Fire,
To burne our Sacrifice, thou do'st require
The Heads of ev'ry Beast that dyes; the Hearts;
Th'enclosed Fatt; and all the Inward parts:
Our Senses and our Memories must be,
All set apart and sanctifi'd to Thee;
The strength of our Desires, the best perfections
Of our imperfect Wills, the choyce Affections
Of our refined hearts must all conioyne
To seeke thy Glory: They must all be thine:
I know thy Dyet, Lord; Of all the rest,
Thou do'st affect the Head and Purtnance, best.