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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan

Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough

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The Godlie ceaseth; succour Lord:
The faithfull ar growne few


Amongst the sonnes of men, in speech
They vanitie persew.
Each with his neighbour, with the lip
Of flattrie speek they faire,
But wt a heart and heart within
Their brests by words ensnair.


The Lord all lips that licence take,
By flattrie to abuse,
All loftie tongs, expressions proude
Which arrogantlie vse,


Sall quite cutt off; which say, our tongues
To ws our ends sall gain:
Our lips ar ours: Who sall, as Lord,
Their libertie restraine?


The poore, opprest and robt, to right,
Bot now will I arise,
The neidie who doe sigh, to save,
From such as them despise,


The Lord hath said: The Lord whose words
Are, as the silver, pure,
In earthen fornace sevin tymes find,
Which tryall doeth endure.



To them for ever, Thow, O Lord,
Wilt a protector prove,
And from this generation bade,
Preserve them from above.


No way wnwalk't the wicked leave,
To each hand turne they then,
When as the vilest ar advanced
Amongst the son̄s of men.