University of Virginia Library



[Too long I follow'd haue my fond Desire]

Too long I follow'd haue my fond Desire,
And too long painted on the Ocean Streames:
Too long Refreshment sought amidst the Fire,
And hunted Ioyes, which to my Soule were Blames.
Ah! when I had what most I did admire,
And seene of Lifes Delights the last Extreames,
I found all but a Rose hedg'd with a Bryer,
A Nought, a Thought, a Show of mocking Dreames.
Hencefoorth on thee mine only Good I'll thinke,
For only thou canst grant what I doe craue,
Thy Naile my Penne shall bee, thy Blood mine Inke,
Thy Winding-shee my Paper, Studie Graue.
And till that Soule forth of this Bodie flie,
No Hope I'll haue but only onelie Thee.