University of Virginia Library


[Thou bright beame-spreading loues thrise happy starre]

Thou bright beame-spreading loues thrise happy starre,
Th' arcadian shepheard Astrophill's cleare guide:
Thou that on swift wing'd Pegasus doest ride,
Auroraes harbenger, surpassing farre
Aurora caried in her rosie carre:
Bright Planet, teller of cleare euening-tide,
Starre of all starres, fayre fauor'd nightes cheefe pride,
Which day from night, and night from day doest barre:
Thou that hast worldes of harts with thine eyes glaunce
To thy loues pleasing bondage taken thrall,
Behold, where graces in loues circles daunce,
Of two cleare starres, out-sparkling Planettes all:
For starres, her bewties arrow bearers bee,
Then be the subiectes, and superiour shee.