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The Poems of James VI. of Scotland

Edited by James Craigie

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22 An epitaphe on Montgomrie
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An epitaphe on Montgomrie

What drousie sleepe doth syle your eyes allace
Ye sacred brethren of Castalian band
And shall the prince of Poëts in our land
Goe thus to graue vnmurned in anie cace
No; whett your pens ye imps of heauenlie grace


And toone me wp your sweete resounding strings
And mounte him so on your immortall wings
That euer he may liue in euerie place
Remember on Montgomries flowand grace
His suggred stile his weightie words diuine
And how he made the sacred Sisters nine
There montaine quitte to followe on his trace
Though to his buriall was refused the bell
The bell of fame, shall aye his praises knell.