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Of brilliant hue,
Sparkling with dew,
Spring-flowers blush in the sunlight glow;
Their rich array
Strews the path of May,
While the air is glad with perfumes they throw.
The summer is bright
With forms of delight,
And Heaven's own glory is pictured in earth;
The summer-flowers,
Like summer-showers,
Revive old joys and give new ones birth.
But when Winter drear
Is king of the year,
And sheds from his hand on tree and spray
His blossoms of white,
So pearly bright,
It is richer to me than the glory of May.


O white, all white,
Like a bride at night,
Are the blossoms of winter which deck the bough,
And they flash as gay,
In the sun's bright ray,
As the wreath which crowns the spring's young brow.