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[Sweet, sainted haunt of early days!]

Sweet, sainted haunt of early days!
With thee my lingering spirit stays,
And muses on the balmy hours,
When forth I wandered after showers;
When bushy knoll, and meadow green,
Were spangled with the dewy sheen,
And evening calmly came along,
And gave my ear the rustic song.
Sweet, sainted haunt! those days are flown,
And I am left, to steal alone,
In tears, along a foreign shore,
And look the boundless ocean o'er
For thy dear spot, and all that threw
Enchantment on my simple view:
But truth has told my heart too well,
That joy can never with me dwell;
For early hopes and loves are dead,
And every charm of home has fled.

Suggested by reading an Ode to Vale Crucis Abbey, by William Stanley Roscoe, Esq.