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Up, for encounter stern,
While unsheathed weapons gleam;
The beacon-fires of Freedom burn,
Her banners wildly stream;
Awake! and drink at purple springs—
Lo! the “white eagle” flaps his wings
With a rejoicing scream
That sends an old, heroic thrill
Through hearts that are unconquer'd still.
Leap to your saddles, leap!
Tried wielders of the lance,
And charge as when ye broke the sleep
Of Europe, at the call of France:
The knightly deeds of other years
Eclipse, ye matchless cavaliers!
While plume and pennon dance—
That Prince, upon his phantom steed,
In Ellster lost your ranks will lead.
Flock round the altar, flock:
And swear ye will be free;
Then rush to brave the battle shock
Like surges of a maddened sea;
Death, with a red and shattered brand
Yet clinging to the rigid hand,
A blissful fate would be,
Contrasted with that darker doom,
A branded brow—a living tomb.


Speed to the combat, speed!
And beat Oppression down,
Or win, by martyrdom, the meed
Of high and shadowless renown:—
Ye weary exiles, from afar
Come back! and make the savage Czar
In terror clutch his crown,
While wronged and vengeful millions roar
Defiance at his palace door.
Throng forth with souls to dare,
From huts and ruined halls!
On the deep midnight of despair
A beam of ancient glory falls;
The knout, the chain, and dungeon cave
To frenzy have aroused the brave;
Dismembered Poland calls,
And through a land opprest, betrayed,
Stalks Kosciusko's frowning shade.
