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A Preparatiue Courte held ye 13th of Nouember 1620
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A Preparatiue Courte held ye 13th of Nouember 1620


the Right Honorable  The Earle of Southampton. 
The Lord Cauendish. 
The Lord Pagett. 
Sr Thomas Roe.  mr Bromefeilde.  mr Edwardℯ. 
Sr Phillip Cary.  mr Iohn Smith.  mr Barbor. 
Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr Wrothsbye.  mr Cranmer. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Deputy.  mr Swinhoe. 
Sr Robert Phillips.  mr Steward.  mr Widdowℯ. 
Sr Iohn Radcliffe.  mr George Sandys.  mr Mellinge. 
Sr Walter Earle.  mr Robert Smith.  mr Delbridge. 
Sr Frauncis Wyatt.  mr Sheppard.  mr Robertℯ. 
Sr Edward Lawley.  mr Keightley.  mr Newporte. 
mr Wroth.  mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Porter. 
mr Gibbes.  mr Leuer.  mr Boothby. 
mr Bawper.  mr Wisemam.  mr Sparrow. 
mr Herbert.  mr Blande.  wth divers others. 

fforasmuch as Captaine Som̃ers alleadged in his petic̃on that itt
appeared vppon Record that Sr Georg Som̃ers his Vncle had disbursed
1100li towards the advancement of the Plantac̃on wch hee desyred


might be repayd him as beinge his right Heire; The Courte gave order
to the Secretary to search the books and certifie the truth thereof att
the next Courte.
The Secretary to
certifie ye truth of
Capt: Somerℯ re-

Sr Thomas Roe att the request of the Company haveinge delivered
theire petic̃on to his Matie: made now a reporte of his highnes gracious
answere thervnto, who said that if any thinge were passed in New
England Patent that might be preiudicall to them of the Southerne
Collony itt was surreptitiously donn and without his knowledge and
that hee had bin abused therby, by those that pretended otherwise
vnto him. Itt pleased his Matie to express as much in effect to my
Lord of Southampton with many other gracious words in comendac̃on
of this Plantac̃on, and signified further that his Maty: forthwith gaue
comaundment to my Lord Chauncellor then present that if this new
Patent were not sealed for to forbeare the Seale, and if itt were sealed
and not deliverd hee should then keep itt in hand till he were better
informed. [163]

Sr Tho: Roes re-
port of the Petic̃on
deliuered to his

His Lop: further signified that vppon Saterday last they had been wth
my Lord Chauncellor aboute itt, wher were present the Duke of Lenox,
the Earle of Arundell, Mr Secretary and some others who after a full
hearinge of ye allegac̃ons of both sides did order that the Patent should
be deliuered to be pervsed by some of the Southern Collony who are
to make reporte what excepc̃ons they finde therevnto against the next

ye Patent to be
deliu9ed to be pe-
rused by some of
the So: Colony.

Sr Edwin Sandis moved that the Addic̃on intended to be affixed to
the former Plantac̃on (beinge now redie drawne) §might be read§ wch
beinge done was generally approved and by erecc̃on of hands ordered
to be published as aforesaid.

The Addic̃on to be
affixed to ye former
Plantac̃on ordered
to be published.

The Owners of the §Ship called ye§ Abigall (allowed of by the last
Courte) moved that their Charterparte might be sealed, whervppon
the Courte humbly entreated (that because the Treasuror did herto-
fore vsually performe the same) itt would please my Lord of South-
ampton together wth mr Deputy to vndertake itt on the behalfe of the


Company, for wch they would make an Acte of Courte to saue them
harmeless; Whervppon his Lop: did willinglie assent therevnto as
likewise mr Deputy: And an Acte of Courte by erecc̃on of hands was
made accordinglie.
My Lo: of South̴-
ton and mr Dep-
uty to Seale ye
Charter parte for
the Abigall.

Mr Deputie haveinge likewise heretofore procured certaine Dutchmen
from Hamburrow for erectinge of Saw Mills in Virginia and att the
request of the Company Contracted wth them vppon some condic̃ons
as wer thought reasonable by the Comittees, hee now therfore desires
that this Courte would please to graunt some forme of Securitie vnder
ye Compa: Seale that might save both himselfe and mr Sheppard
harmeless beinge a partner wth him in the said Contract wch moc̃on
the Court thought verie reasonable and gave order for drawinge the
said securitie that itt might be sealled accordinglie.

Security to be
drawne for saue-
inge mr Depty: and
mr Sheppard
harmeless for ye
Contract made wth
ye Dutch Carpen-

The Comittees appoynted to examine Sr Thomas Smithℯ Accompts
beinge now desyred to make reporte what they had done in their
seuerall parts appoynted vnto them: Sr Edwin Sandys declared howe
farr Sr Iohn Dauers and himselfe hadd proceeded in their p̱ticularr
taske namely in examination of Sr Thomas Smithℯ receiptes by Adven-
turers wch notwithstandinge they found itt a most intricate [164]
and difficult peec of worke to bringe to passe in regard of ye disagree-
ment of the books themselves, by wch they were to be guided, yett
they would labour by an Alphabeticall Table to bringe things to an
head and therby declare allso the differences whervnto they would
afterward desire Sr Thomas Smithℯ answere.

Sr Edw: Sandys re-
porte how farr hee
& Sr Io: Dauers
had proceeded in
examyning Sr
Tho: Smithℯ Ac-

Mr Wroth one of the Com̃ittees appoynted to examine Sr Thomas
Smithℯ Receipts by Lottaries, wth payment allso of the Prizes and
other charges to them incident, reported that ∥by reason∥ hee could
finde no bookes wherby the particulars might appeare, hee found itt
impossible to sattisfie the expectac̃on of the Company therein.

Mr Wrothℯ reporte
of Sr Tho: Smithℯ
Receiptts by Lottars

Mr Deputy one of the Comittees appoynted to examine Sr Tho: Smithℯ
Receipts of Goods from Virginia by ffines allso, by Collections, and
other meanes whatsoever, made reporte that hee could finde no men-


c̃on att all in any of the books (wch hee and Mr Cranmer had carefully
p̱vsed) of any goods brought from Virginia, The Courte therfore
thought fitt that hee should give notice therof to Sr Thomas Smith and
pray his answere thervnto.
mr Depties: report
of Sr Tho: Smithℯ
receipts of Goods.

Mr Keightley and Mr Cranmer beinge apoynted to examine Sr Thomas
Smithℯ Disbursmentℯ returned this answere that they knew not howe
to proceed therin, because they neither could finde warr̃ntℯ nor any
other thing else evidence that might shewe howe the moneys might
had been from time to time lawfully issued; and haveing acquainted
Sr Thomas Smith therwth his answere was that hee knew not what
was becom of those warr̃ntℯ.

mr Keightley and
mr Cranmer their
Reports of Sr Tho:
Smithℯ Disburs-

Nottwithstandinge all these difficulties my Lord of Southampton
desyred the said Comittees to proceed and goe on to the drawinge of
these Accompts to some head, And the rather because Sr Thomas
Smith had soe freely offered to be aunswerable for what soever they
would charge vppon himselfe and would be redie allso to pay for his
mens defaultℯ. [165]

The Comittees to
goe on to ye draw-
inge of these Ac-
compts to some

Mr Deputie signified that the Towne of Ipswich desyred that a Pattent
might be graunted vnto them for a Perticularr Plantac̃on, And that
wheras they were indebted to the Company 200li they had now payd
in one hundred and therfore hee hopeth this favour will be a good
inducement vnto them to pay in the rest, Whervppon the Courte
ordered that they should have a Pattent.

A patent graunted
to ye Town of Ips-

Mr Delbridge desyred the Company that hee might passe two of his
Shares to his Sonne, wch request the Courte graunted, butt willed him
to pass them after the ordinary course wch was by writinge and by
allowance of the Auditors wch was accordinglie p̱formed These seu-
erall bills of Adventures beinge allowed by the Auditors did likewise
passe the approbac̃on of the Courte for their Assignements. vizd:

mr Delbridge 2
Shares to his

One bill of 50li from Captaine Brewster to Sr Frauncis Wyatt.
One bill of 25li from Thomas Maddox gent to mr Stubbs.

Bills of Aduen-
turers passed.


One bill of 37 : 10s from mr William Litton esqr to Captaine Harvy.
One bill of 5 Shares from mr Edward Harrison to Raph Fogg.

Mrs: Berkley haveinge petic̃oned from the §for§ repayment of the mony
due vnto her husband deceased wch was 331li 12s 10d as may appeare
by the Leger Booke. The Company offered her to make vp that sume
400li so that shee would be contented to take 331li 12s 10d in monny and
the rest in Shares of Land wch shee willinglie accepted of and there-
vppon itt was ordered by a generall consent that shee should be soe

Mrs Berkley or-
dered to be paide.

My Lo: of Southampton did putt the Auditors in mynde to examine
mr: Markhams deserts in the Companys service and therof to make

Mr Markams de-
serts examined.

Vppon the request humble petic̃on of Wm Iarrat for that hee hath
beene an antient inhabitant in Virginia for the space of thirteen
years where hee hath done the Company great service by reason of
his experience and skillfullnes in many things, the Courte agreed to
recom̃end him to Captaine Newce as the Companies Teñnt and should
have a boy putt to him for apprentize, and his wife and Child should
have their passage free and for the furnishinge of him and his wife
wth necessaries itt was left wth §to§ mr Deputy to deale therin as hee
thought fitt. [166]

Wm: Iarratt to be
recom̃ended to
Capt Newce, and
to haue a Boy put
to him as Appren-

William Gay petic̃oned that his sonne Iames (heretofore the Appren-
tize of Christopher Lawne deceased and by him turned ouer to Cap-
taine Hamor) might returne home for England, wch was graunted,
provided that hee be att the Charge of his said sonns returne, in whose
roome the Company resolved to send another to Captaine Hamor.

Iames Gay to
come for England.

Lazarus Hauerd beinge heretofore imployed in the Companies serv-
ice and likewise by Sr George Yeardley in a Frigott in three daun-
gerous voyadges did now petic̃on to this Company for their charrita-
ble considerac̃on of his present wants whervppon itt was agreed that


mr Poulson should be entreated to entertaine him, and that Sr George
Yeardley should be solicited by ɫre to bestowe some thing on him in
reward of his service done him.
Lazarus Hauard
entertayned by
mr Poulson.
Sr Georg Yeardley
to bestowe some
thing on him

A moc̃on was made as formerlie their had beene in the behalfe of the
Som̃er Ilandℯ Company that there might be a Certaine quantitie of
Land in Virginia graunted vnto them lyinge neerest to those Ilandℯ
for the better support of that Company wch they desyred might now
be confirmed att this Quarter Court.

A moc̃on in the
behalfe of ye Som̃er
Ilandℯ Compa:

A Certaine writinge was exhibited to the Courte by one Gabriell
Wisher a man well knowne to some of this Company, who vnder-
standinge that divers Staple Comodities are intended to be sett vpp in
Virginia maks offer to this Company to procure out of Poland, and
Sweadland (wher hee is well acquainted) men skillfull in makinge of
Pitch, and Tarr, Pottashes and Sope Ashes, Clapbordes, and Pipe-
staues, dressers of Hemp & Flax As allso men skillfull in makinge
Salt Peter, and Powder, and would bringe them from those parts into
England by the end of May next after the rate of xli xs a man as many
as the Compa: shall thinke good. To p̱forme wch hee desires 60li: in
hand to be payd att Hamburrow for wch hee will putt in securitie.

A writinge exhib-
ited by Gabriell

Wheras vppon a former treatie had wth mr Wood in the behalfe of
Mr Gookin for transportac̃on of Cattle outt of Ireland into Virginia
an offer was made vnto him after the rate of xli: a Cowe vppon cer-
tificate of their saffe landinge, Provided they were fayr and lardge
Cattle and of our English breed. The said mr Wood hath now
returned his fynall aunswere that hee cannott entertaine the bargaine
vnder xijli the Cowe without exceedinge greate losse. [167]

Mr Woodℯ aun-
swere returned.