University of Virginia Library


Come, Divine Immanuel come,
Take possession of Thy home,
Now Thy mercy's wings expand,
Stretch throughout the happy land.


Carry on Thy victory,
Spread Thy rule from sea to sea,
Reconvert the ransom'd race,
Save us, save us, Lord, by grace.
Take the purchase of Thy blood,
Bring us to a pardoning God;
Give us eyes to see our day,
Hearts the glorious truth to' obey;
Ears to hear the gospel sound;
Grace doth more than sin abound.
God appeased, and man forgiven,
Peace on earth, and joy in heaven.
O that every soul might be
Suddenly subdued to Thee!
O that all in Thee might know
Everlasting life below.
Now Thy mercy's wings expand,
Stretch throughout the happy land;
Take possession of Thy home,
Come, Divine Immanuel, come!