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Hymn 2.

[Glory, and thanks, and praise]

Glory, and thanks, and praise
To Him that hath the key!
Jesus, Thy sovereign grace
Gives us the victory,
Baffles the world, and Satan's power,
And open throws the gospel door.
Sin, only sin could close
That door of pardoning love;
But spite of all our foes
Thou dost the bar remove,


The door again Thou openest wide
And show'st Thyself the crucified.
Thy miracles of grace
We now repeated see,
The dumb proclaims Thy praise,
The deaf attends to Thee,
Leaps as a bounding hart the lame,
And shows the power of Jesu's name.
The lepers are made clean,
The blind their sight receive,
Quicken'd the dead in sin,
The humble poor believe
The gospel of their sins forgiven,
With God Himself sent down from heaven.
Joyful again we hear
The heart-reviving sound,
Again the Comforter
Within our coasts is found,
The Saviour at the door is seen,
Lift up your hearts, and take Him in.
Lord, we the call obey,
In Thee alone confide,
Rejoice to see Thy day,
To feel Thy blood applied;
Our faith has made us whole, we know,
And in Thy peace to heaven we go.