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Hymn 1.

Not unto me, O Lord,
Not unto me the praise,
If I with power have spoke Thy word,
And testified Thy grace.
Thou didst Thy power bestow,
Thou didst Thy servant find,
And raise, and send me forth to show
Thy love to all mankind.
Thy messenger of peace
I have to sinners shown
The blood that sign'd their soul's release,
And did for all atone:
Thy Spirit the word applied
And witness'd with the blood,
And many a sprinkled rebel cried
Thou art my Lord my God!
Thou only didst reveal,
How good in Christ Thou art,
And powerfully the message seal
On the believing heart:


Thine is the work of grace,
Lord, I the whole disclaim,
All glory, love, and thanks, and praise
Be paid to Jesu's name.
Jesu, to Thee alone,
I would the glory give:
O may I never seek my own,
Or praise from man receive!
Thou wilt, I firmly trust,
My feeble heart secure,
Exclude the sacrilegious boast,
And keep my conscience pure.
While with a single eye
I at Thy glory aim,
Thy love shall set me up on high,
In honour of Thy name;
Until I take my place
Among the saints above,
A witness of Thy heavenly grace,
Thy everlasting love.