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An Original Collection of Songs

sung at the Theatres Royal, Public Concerts &c. &c. By W. T. Moncrieff

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Sung by the late Mr. John Reeve, Mr. Ralph Sherwin, &c. at Convivial Parties. Air—Chapter of Kings.

Let Scholars and Saints preach Sobriety's rules—
Total Abstinence only is practised by fools.
Possessing plain sense, we have not now to learn,
That, some time or other, all drink in their turn!
For, barring all pother 'bout this, that, or t'other
We all take a drop in our turn!
The Tanner we very well know soaks his hide,
And Blackstrap in plenty's the Shoemaker's pride
The Dustmen gets muddled, till scarce he can stand,
While the Glazier has daily his glass in bis hand!
Yes, barring, &c.
The Player gets funny, by night and by day—
While the Potter's delight is to moisten his clay!
To be mops and brooms still is the Housemaid inclin'd,
And the Chambermaid oft is three sheets in the wind!
Yes, barring, &c.
The Sailor to be half seas over don't fret—
The Parson gets pious—the Quaker gets we.—
The Traveller ofttimes is very far gone,
And the Gardener's frequently found in the Sun.
Yes, barring, &c.
To be ‘Non se ipse the Scholar oft bent is—
While Madmen, as clearly, are ‘Non compos mentis.’
Tobacconists often get snuffy, we know,
And the Ladies themselves are found how came you so?
Yes, barring, &c.


The Butcher gets muggy, as well as his meat,
Undertakers dead drunk get, by way of a treat—
The Pitman is in for't—the Soldier is fir'd
And the Poet himself, sir, is sometimes inspir'd!
Yes, barring, &c.
The Oilman gets Soapy—the Fruiterer, mellow
The Cutler gets cut, though a very sharp fellow—
The Doctor his dose takes, for which Patients pay,
And the Porter still top heavy gets every day!
Yes, barring, &c.
Musicians, with Musical Glasses won't quarrel,
While the Cooper must still now and then tap the barrel!
Friend Snob has his Heeltaps, and loves a wet sole
While the Fiddler still rosins, and sings ‘Old King Cole!
Yes, barring, &c.
The Pugilist glories the Claret to draw,
And to be in his Cups still is Tea Dealers's law.
We all are Rum fellows, when ent on good sport,
And may they Sherry off, who would not be in Port!
Yes, barring, &c.