University of Virginia Library



And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”—St. John viii. 32.

I felt the burden once of age,
I felt the curse of toiling,
And on my weary pilgrimage
Time fell with dim despoiling;
My work no longer took the form
Of willing hands, grown strong from storm.
I sometimes halted on the road,
The thorn-prick seemed too pressing,
And pierced me like some grievous goad
That used to be a blessing;
And sickness, that was my best friend,
Now rose a blank and bitter end.
Then, as I dragged my weary way
Along the path appointed,
Arose, when I had paused to pray,
My Lord with grief anointed;
He said, “Thy burden is too light,
Uplift My Cross, all will be bright.’
But thus I knew I needed more
And not a less affliction,
For in His Cross I daily bore
I found my benediction.
Thence have I learnt the living truth,
The Cross of Christ alone is youth.