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The Happiness of the Blessed considered as to the Particulars of their State

their Recognition of Each Other in that State; and its Difference of Degrees. To which are added, Musings on the Church and her Services. By Richard Mant. Fourth Edition, with Additions

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'Twas not the day of Sabbath, when I past,
Nor by the Church made holy: yet a dumb
Lone stillness reign'd there for the week-day hum
Of busy men, and every door was fast
Where traffick wont to toil; and as I cast
A sidelong glance on every hallow'd dome,
Thither I saw the assembled people come,
To pray the God of mercy!—'Tis the blast
Of his displeasure hovering o'er their head,
Which calls them thither. Hear their fervent pray'r,
All Merciful! Bid thou the arm outspread
Of the destroyer from his prey forbear;
And may the Great Atoner from the dead
Sever the living, and thy suppliants spare!



On passing through a town in my diocese towards the end of August this year (1832), I was much affected by the solemnity of the appearance. All the shops were closed; the streets well-nigh deserted; and the church and other places of divine worship filled, in pursuance of an arrangement among the several ministers of religion for a day of fast and humiliation, on account of the Cholera, then raging in the town. The unexpected sight produced in me a solemn feeling, which vented itself as above.