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By Owen Meredith [i.e. E. R. B. Lytton]

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In vain did he say to himself, ‘When I came
‘To this fatal spot, I had nothing to blame
‘Or reproach myself for in the thoughts of my heart.
‘I could not foresee that its pulses would start
‘Into such strange emotion on seeing once more
‘A woman I left with indifference before.
‘I believed, and with honest conviction believed,
‘In my love for Matilda. I never conceived
‘That another could shake it. I deem'd I had done
‘With the wild heart of youth, and look'd hopefully on
‘To the soberer manhood, the worthier life,
‘Which I sought in the love that I vow'd to my wife.
‘Poor child! she shall learn the whole truth. She shall know
‘What I knew not myself but a few days ago.
‘The world will console her—her pride will support—
‘Her youth will renew its emotions. In short,
‘There is nothing in me that Matilda will miss
‘When once we have parted. 'T is best as it is!’